

Create a new account. After the account is created, the AccountID for it is in the receipt, or can be retrieved with a GetByKey query, or by asking for a Record of the transaction to be created, and retrieving that. The account can then automatically generate records for large transfers into it or out of it, which each last for 25 hours. Records are generated for any transfer that exceeds the thresholds given here. This account is charged cryptocurrency for each record generated, so the thresholds are useful for limiting Record generation to happen only for large transactions. The Key field is the key used to sign transactions for this account. If the account has receiverSigRequired set to true, then all cryptocurrency transfers must be signed by this account's key, both for transfers in and out. If it is false, then only transfers out have to be signed by it. When the account is created, the payer account is charged enough hbars so that the new account will not expire for the next autoRenewPeriod seconds. When it reaches the expiration time, the new account will then be automatically charged to renew for another autoRenewPeriod seconds. If it does not have enough hbars to renew for that long, then the remaining hbars are used to extend its expiration as long as possible. If it is has a zero balance when it expires, then it is deleted. This transaction must be signed by the payer account. If receiverSigRequired is false, then the transaction does not have to be signed by the keys in the keys field. If it is true, then it must be signed by them, in addition to the keys of the payer account.

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