A token unpause transaction is a transaction that unpauses the token that was previously disabled from participating in transactions. The token's pause key is required to sign the transaction. Once the unpause transaction is submitted the token pause status is updated to unpause.
Transaction Signing Requirements:
The pause key of the token
Transaction fee payer account key
Transaction Fees
Please see the transaction and query fees table for the base transaction fee
//Create the token unpause transaction and specify the token to pause
TokenUnpauseTransaction transaction = new TokenUnpauseTransaction()
//Freeze the unsigned transaction, sign with the pause key, submit the transaction to a Hedera network
TransactionResponse txResponse = transaction.freezeWith(client).sign(pauseKey).execute(client);
//Request the receipt of the transaction
TransactionReceipt receipt = txResponse.getReceipt(client);
//Obtain the transaction consensus status
Status transactionStatus = receipt.status;
System.out.println("The transaction consensus status is: " +transactionStatus);
//Create the token unpause transaction, specify the token to pause, freeze the unsigned transaction for signing
const transaction = new TokenUnpauseTransaction()
//Sign with the pause key
const signTx = await transaction.sign(pauseKey);
//Submit the transaction to a Hedera network
const txResponse = await signTx.execute(client);
//Request the receipt of the transaction
const receipt = await txResponse.getReceipt(client);
//Get the transaction consensus status
const transactionStatus = receipt.status;
console.log("The transaction consensus status " +transactionStatus.toString());
//Create the token unpause transaction, specify the token to pause, freeze the unsigned transaction for signing
transaction, err := hedera.NewTokenUnpauseTransaction().
if err != nil {
//Sign with the pause key
txResponse, err = transaction.Sign(pauseKey).Execute(client)
if err != nil {
//Get the receipt of the transaction
receipt, err = txResponse.GetReceipt(client)
if err != nil {
//Get the transaction consensus status
status := receipt.Status
fmt.Printf("The transaction consensus status is %v\n", status)